Your Name

Designer, Frontend Developer & Mentor

I design and code beautifully simple things, and I love what I do.


I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.

Things I enjoy designing:

UX, UI, Web, Apps, Logos

Design Tools:

Frontend Developer

I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.

Languages I speak:

HTML, Pug, Slim, CSS, Sass, Git

Dev Tools:


I genuinely care about people, and enjoy helping them work on their craft.

Experiences I draw from:

UX/UI, Product design, Freelancing

Mentor Stats:

My Recent Work

Here are a few past design projects I've worked on. Want to see more? Email me.

My Startup Projects

I'm a bit of a digital product junky. Over the years I've used hundreds of web and mobile apps in different industries and verticals. Eventually, I decided that it would be a fun challenge to design and build my own.


People I've worked with have said some nice things...

“Matt was a real pleasure to work with and we look forward to working with him again. He’s definitely the kind of designer you can trust with a project from start to finish.”

Pascal Tremblay, Creative Lead, Good Kind

“Matt's a clear communicator with the tenacity and confidence to really dig in to tricky design scenarios and the collaborative friction that's needed to produce excellent work.”

Alvin Engler, CEO, West Third Enterprises, Inc.

Start a project

Interested in working together? We should queue up a time to chat. I’ll buy the coffee.